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Website Designer Near Madison Alabama

website designer near Madison AL

I am now offering website design and development with a platform called Showit. I can create a custom website or you can purchase one of my templates to DIY or I can customize that for you in a day with a fixed price. I have details on all my services here.

showit website designer near me in Madison Alabama, supporting local small business

So, how did a clothing boutique owner, digital marketing specialist, stay-at-home-homeschooling mom just neck wiped her career to Website designs? Because too many options and lack of skills to build a website sucks! Allow me to explain.

In every business venture that I attempted, having a website was crucial, but you know what happened? I never had a completed website for any of them! You know why?  Too many options!! I could never make all decisions necessary to build a website that converted (a.k.a invest money or time).

Here are some of the my struggles along the way with various businesses:

1- Too many options on what platform to choose.

Wix is free so I should go with that and if the website converts I can invest on a better design and platform. I already have a WordPress website but it’s so dang complicated, I should take a course. Oh wait, I can actually use that money to pay someone to do it for me, but then I would have to update it myself. How about all the other platforms? Squarespace, Hubspot, Shopify are all great but I still either have to choose between investing on someone to create it for me or learn how to do it myself.

2- no guaranteed ROI for my investment.

I couldn’t justify having to pay for a designer to build my website because I didn’t know for sure that I was going to see the ROI. I also didn’t have the time to learn the platform proficiently so that it would work as well as if a designer had developed the website for me.

3- I am a multipassionate entrepreneur

How do I fit all my passions and services/products in one website and still make it all coherent?

At the end of the day, I either had websites that performed poorly or I just made it work with social media.

Until, one day I got fed up and did my own research.

I found what I was looking for.

I wanted a website that would look amazing! Express exactly my branding and messaging. Have tools that would allow me to create an easy flow as you traveled the website, and that offered multiple options to show my products, services, create a sales funnel and not cost an arm and a leg.

When I learned about Showit and the different services web designers could offer with the platform, I knew I had stepped onto something special.

Showit offers the freedom to design a website the way you envision it. No set templates, no boundaries on creativity and most importantly no coding knowledge needed. They maintain the backend for all users. Amen! I don’t like dealing with updating all kinds of plugins and DNS things. Yes, please take that off my hands.

Website in a day, a pretty genius services. In addition to fully customized websites, designers are able to deliver your customized website in a day by reusing  a previously customized website (made for another business, usually same industry) in one day! If you don’t have thousands of dollars to invest on a website, you can use a template and rebranding it for your business for a fraction of the cost and time. I thought that was pretty amazing, not only from the clients side but also the designer side.

Thus, the moment a light bulb turned on in my head and made me realize that this business would work really well for me. I love providing an efficient answers to people. I could now be the one providing that solution to other business owners to finally have a website that looked amazing, performed well so they could expand their business and, it was delivered quickly without a big monetary investment.

If you are looking for a local mompreneur as your website designer feel free to schedule a time to chat to see if we are a good fit.

PS: if you want to learn how to design with Showit, click here to see how I got one of my certification 😉

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