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How to find a partnership to develop a Digital Product

I’ve been watching my best friend Ana’s business grow in the past 6 years. She helps lots of people in Brazil have a bigger digital presence over at CBB Digital. She has always had a keen eye for beautiful presentations and presence. It’s something just natural to her, I mean look at her.

She has been hosting a MasterClass for influencers in Sao Paulo – Brazil and the results and impact of her teachings have been amazing. I just never understood why she never transformed it into a digital product, so that more people could be reached. Everytime I pitched the idea to her, she always told me that she didn’t have the time to create something so complex. I get it, she runs a 7 figures business that is in a different continent from where she lives. The girl is definately busy.

Does your product have Digital potential?

That’s where I come in. I love creating, specially transforming ideas into a interactive experience where you can immediately see results – if you put in the work that is. So, after Ana and I met at the Entreperneur Experience with Amy Porterfield, we were convinced that a Digital MasterClass was a no brainer for her business. Now, I do have to give credit to Amy here. She is a master teacher when it comes to creating Digital Courses, and convincing everyone that they can create a Digital Course. Heck, I even convinced my husband that he had a course in him when I got back home, and the guy wants nothing to do with an online audience.

The point here is, Ana already had all the content ready. She had proven results from her previous In person MasterClass and the audience asking for it. So sometimes, business already have everything they need to transform an existing product into something digital.

The Process to Create a Digital Product

Ana showed me the beautiful work she had prepared for her in person MasterClass in the past, her content was so extensive that I even gasped. There were presentations in many topics, workbook and extensive one-on-one consulting reports for each participant. Ana commitment to her audience’s sucess definately showed here. So, I volunteered to figure out how to put everything together in a way that would make more sense to an online audience.

I re-organized the content into 6 modules that would allow people more time to dive into her teachings. I build a workbook to go along with each specific module. It took me about 2 months of intense labor. In addition, to troubleshoot our work, and also start making a community around her MasterClass we invited her former students to participate in a Beta group. In that group, we tested the new format and got feedback on how the content was best used in the past. It was so lovely to see the progress the students had already made. We learned a lot about where they were stuck and which topics were easier for them to diggest and apply. It was definately a great way to get feedback on how the content was actually put to work. Creating a Beta group of people that have already tested your product, or creating a Beta community of people just to test your idea out is something I would definately recommend.

Ana’s design team put together a beautiful workbook and I know the MasterClass videos will be topnotch too. We haven’t recorded the videos as we are still making changes to the content. The MasterClass starts in April 2020. I feel like we did most of the work ahead of time and we can now work on helping her community understand if this is the right MasterClass for them.

How to make sure your product is a sucess

We still have the entire Marketing Campaign ahead of us, but I am really excited and proud to have helped her share her gifts online. I believe in her impact and I know she will change the lives of many people. So if you have a friend who already does a wonderful work, but hasn’t taken advantage of the digital world as they should, share this post with them. I believe sometimes people who are busy working on their business dont necessarily see how many more people they could impact if they used a digital plataform.

Of course, I am still on my journey to help 100 companies have a bigger impact online. You can check out my list here. I would love references if you know someone I could help. If you want to check the MasterClass Digital with Ana Jacobs, and  get a bonus from me just go here.

  1. SEO Services says:

    Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂

  2. I am glad you found it helpful. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Thanks for stopping by. I hope the breakfast tasted good! 😉

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