After launch, you will have access to 30 days of project support for troubleshooting via email, and a video training library that you can access anytime.

6. Support

Time to show your new website to the world! You will receive information with best website launch strategies and graphics to help you spread the world and make sure your website launch is a success.

5. launch time

Once the website is fully developed you will be able to do a final revision before the website goes live. Woocommerce and blog set up happens after the website goes live and it can take 2-4 days.

4. website development

I will deliver the first round of design for your revision. Here you have an opportunity to provide direct feedback about what looks amazing and what needs adjustment.

3. website design

Time to get real about your business and your vision for it. You will receive a questionnaire about your website strategy, get access to a custom client portal and a Google folder to help you define your website copy. 

2. prep time

It all starts with a chat. Send me a message through my contact form so I can learn how we can best collaborate to reach your goals. You will receive a custom proposal and project scope for you to peruse, along with your own personal contract. When you decide to go ahead with the project, just confirm over email and send back your paperwork. 

1. innitial chat




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